Posts by tag: real estate agent

Is it a good idea to work as a real estate agent while in college?

Is it a good idea to work as a real estate agent while in college?

As a male college student, I've found myself often mulling over an important question: is it a good idea to work as a real estate agent while still in school? You know, juggling classes, assignments while showing homes, negotiating deals. This blog post explores this very notion. We delve into the pros and cons, practicality, and logistics of balancing a coursework with a demanding job like real estate agent. It's certainly a challenging ride, but the rewards might be worth it.


Bastian Waltham
Do you have to spend money to be a real estate agent?

Do you have to spend money to be a real estate agent?

Being a real estate agent does require some upfront investment. You'd need to pay for your pre-licensing education and the licensing exam, as well as ongoing costs like dues to professional real estate associations. Plus, marketing yourself and the properties you're selling can also incur expenses. It's not all about spending money, though - it's also about investing time, energy, and commitment. So yes, you do have to spend money to be a real estate agent, but that's just part of the equation.


Bastian Waltham